Contact the Residence

Residence Front Desk

The front desk is the heart and hub of Innis Residence. We’re here for you 24/7, a team of friendly, knowledgeable staff and students ready to answer questions, provide services, maintain safety and security — and even recommend a good coffee shop or two. Many of our team live in the residence, so they’ll get to know you — and you, them — pretty quickly.

residence steward, Riley Myers, stands behind a lobby reception desk smiling

Here’s what the front desk staff can do for you

Contact the front desk

Have questions? Contact us below, or drop by. You’ll find the front desk just inside the main entrance of Innis Residence. Find location information.

111 St. George Street

Front desk hours

We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Navi can help you find mental health resources

Navi - Your Mental Health WayfinderNavi is U of T’s anonymous & confidential virtual wayfinder that helps you navigate mental health resources on and off campus, allowing you to decide which ones are right for your needs.