Academic Advising
Looking for help or advice about academic matters of any kind? The Registrar’s Office at Innis is your first stop for all things related to your studies — as well as financial and personal support. Friendly, experienced academic advisors can help you tackle — and resolve — any kind of question or problem related to your studies.

The Registrar's Office can help you with academics and so much more...
- Course and program selection and enrolment
- Academic interests and aptitudes
- Academic difficulties and solutions
- Process issues, including forms and letters
- Scholarships and awards help
- Fees and financial matters
- Planning for careers and further education
- Personal motivation and study habits
- Mental wellness support
- Any other academic-related matters you may have!
Book an appointment with an academic advisor
As of September 9, 2021, the Registrar’s Office is open Monday to Friday, from 10am – 4pm. We close for lunch from 1 – 2pm, except on Tuesdays from 12 – 2pm.
We continue to encourage inquiries by email and telephone. Most appointments take place by virtual chat (via MS Teams or Zoom).
Book an appointment with an academic advisor, or contact us with questions below.
I’m a new student
There’s lots to do and absorb when it comes to choosing courses and programs of study, but the Registrar’s Office can help. We also provide extensive detail on degree requirements, strategies for choosing courses, and steps to registration in our “Innis101” course for first-year students. All newly admitted students receive an invitation to this online preparatory course located in the U of T learning portal called Quercus.
For more info on everything a new Innis student needs to know, visit the New Student Guide. At any point, if you have questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
I’m a graduating student
Congratulations! For detailed help on the entire process, including convocation, photos, receiving your diploma, graduate study resources, and more, please visit the Graduating Students page.
Helpful resources
Do you qualify for a scholarship or award?
Every year, Innis College provides approximately $275,000 in scholarships and awards for outstanding achievement in many different areas. Learn more about our awards, and how to apply here.
Looking for financial aid?
Wondering how to pay for your education? We have a financial aid advisor who can help! Learn how to get an OSAP loan, fund your degree, access emergency financial aid, and more.